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Meet Cyndi Fehr
Using all of my modalities and experience I empower others to become more aware of their body, mind and soul. I help guide the collective to create more supporting communities, find their true purpose and have the tools to walk forward on their journey.



If we haven’t met, I’m Cyndi Fehr. I thought I would take a moment to introduce myself and share part of my story. 


I have always been passionate about health and wellness and in 2007, I moved my career into the health field when I became a Registered Massage Therapist. I still absolutely love massaging and over the years I have continued to study and grow my practice. I offer deep tissue, sports massage, relaxation, hot stone, reflexology, pre natal, post natal and so on. My favourite’s are offering detailed massage and really getting into the problem areas and incorporating sound therapy into the massage.


In 2017 I unknowingly started to study the emotional body, which is a complex system of understand your emotions and how they are affecting your body and health. I started questioning everything and decided I didn’t like the belief systems I had and decided to challenge them (ie: It’s normal to get menstrual pains or you need to work a 9-5 job) At the time I had extremely painful menstrual cycles and allergic or sensitive to almost everything. However through releasing built up emotions and old believe systems I was able to minimize my pain and clear my sensitivities. This journey led me down a path I never expected to discover. There was many layers I had to walk through and a lot of uncomfortable moments I had to face. It has not been an easy path but it has been an enlightened one. Each layer I have unravelled has helped me to step into who I am today and how I want to show up and hold space to help others walk the path to enlightenment. I have learnt how uneducated I was of my own power and what I’m truly capable of when I step into that power. I’ve learnt to love myself in all of my mess and grit. I’ve learnt how to feel, I mean FEEL! I learned that every emotion I feel and do not express ends up in the tissues of the body, acting as a safety device so the body feels safe in its environment. Those emotions over my lifetime get stored into the tissues of my body until I feel safe and are ready to face them and release them. However, I’ve also learned those emotions over time are energy that turns into matter and causes dis-ease in the body if ignored long enough. I’ve learnt that it’s a life journey to unravel all of these emotions and learn how to properly process them. I’ve started learning how to process them and listen for the clues my body offers me to help move these energy. I’m still learning how to be comfortable with the uncomfortable emotions. This is the true journey.


Since then, not only do I have a full-time massage practice. I’ve been practicing reiki since 2019. In 2021 I got my 200-hour yoga training and start teaching a regular yoga class, it’s been through teaching yoga that I realized how much I love to teach. I also started playing the crystal bowls that year, which is a true passion of mine. There is so much power in elevating your body frequency. I’ve been facilitating unique and fun workshops to bring the community together, since 2021. I am certified in life coaching and am the founder of Emotional Body Coaching, a program that is designed to help you build a deeper connection with your mind and body. Teaching you how to release old emotions that are stored in your tissue that are causing havoc on your body. Last but not least, I’m hosting local (Canada) and global retreats to bring in the space for teachings, moving, sharing experiences and for people to reconnect with themselves and others. 


Outside of all that, I am a world traveller, I love to bike, meditate, practice yoga, connect with my community and share in laugher. I also have a super supportive husband and two sweet dogs to keep me busy on my free time.


I look forward to connecting with you soon.



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